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Table Template APIs

You can use the ThanoSQL Table Template REST API for several CRUD operations on your table templates.

Table Template Object

A table template object consists of five main componenets:

  1. name: The name of the table template
  2. table_template: The body of the table template, consisting of columns and constraints (see the documentation on the table object for more details)
  3. version: The version of the table template (currently, this value is immutable)
  4. compatibility: The compatibility of the table template (one of backward, forward, full, or none)
  5. created_at: The date of creation of the table template

GET /table_template

Retrieves a list of all of available table templates in a certain order. Optionally can include search keywords as well.

import requests
import json

api_token = "Issued_API_TOKEN"
search = "Search keyword(s)"
order_by = "Order by"
latest = {Latest}

api_url = f"{base_url}?search={search}&order_by={order_by}&latest={latest}"

header = {
    "Authorization": f"Bearer {api_token}"

r = requests.get(api_url, headers=header):
  curl -X 'GET' \
  'https://{your-engine-url}/api/v1/table_template/?search={search}&order_by={order_by}&latest={latest}' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer Issued_API_TOKEN'


  • search: Word(s) that the table templates' name must contain (defaults to empty string).
  • order_by: How the query results should be ordered, there are three possible values: 'recent', based on date of creation from latest to oldest, 'name_asc', based on name from A to Z, and 'name_desc', based on name from Z to A (defaults to 'recent').
  • latest: A boolean value that can be set to True if you only want to return the latest version of each table template. Otherwise, it returns all available versions (default: False).

GET /table_template/{table_template_name}

Retrieves the table template object with the given name. If needed, a specific or latest version can also be added to the request.

import requests
import json

api_token = "Issued_API_TOKEN"
base_url = "https://{your-engine-url}/api/v1/table_template"
table_template_name = "Table template name"
version = "A specific version, or 'latest' to request the latest table template"

api_url = f"{base_url}/{table_template_name}?version={version}"

header = {
    "Authorization": f"Bearer {api_token}"

r = requests.get(api_url, headers=header):
  curl -X 'GET' \
  'https://{your-engine-url}/api/v1/table_template/{table_template_name}?version={version}' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer Issued_API_TOKEN'


The API response has the following structure:

  "table_templates": ["list of all table templates with the requested name, or one table template if version is not empty"]
  "versions": ["list of all available versions"]

POST /table_template/{table_template_name}

Creates a new table template.

import requests
import json

api_token = "Issued_API_TOKEN"
table_template_name = "Table template name"

data = {
"table_template": {
    "columns": [
        "default": "nextval('accounts_user_id_seq'::regclass)",
        "is_nullable": False,
        "type": "integer",
        "name": "id"
        "default": None,
        "is_nullable": True,
        "type": "character varying",
        "name": "username"
        "default": None,
        "is_nullable": False,
        "type": "character varying",
        "name": "password"
        "default": None,
        "is_nullable": True,
        "type": "character varying",
        "name": "role_id"
    "constraints": {
    "primary_key": {
        "name": "user_id_pkey",
        "columns": ["id"]
    "foreign_keys": [
            "name": "user_role_id_fkey",
            "reference_schema": "public",
            "reference_column": "role_id",
            "reference_table": "roles",
            "column": "role_id"
"version": "string",
"compatibility": "string"

api_url = f"{base_url}/{table_template_name}"

header = {
    "Authorization": f"Bearer {api_token}"

r =, headers=header, body=data):
  curl -X 'POST' \
'https://{your-engine-url}/api/v1/table_template/{table_template_name}' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
    "table_template": {
        "columns": [
            "default": "nextval('accounts_user_id_seq'::regclass)",
            "is_nullable": False,
            "type": "integer",
            "name": "id"
            "default": None,
            "is_nullable": True,
            "type": "character varying",
            "name": "username"
            "default": None,
            "is_nullable": False,
            "type": "character varying",
            "name": "password"
            "default": None,
            "is_nullable": True,
            "type": "character varying",
            "name": "role_id"
        "constraints": {
        "primary_key": {
            "name": "user_id_pkey",
            "columns": ["id"]
        "foreign_keys": [
                "name": "user_role_id_fkey",
                "reference_schema": "public",
                "reference_column": "role_id",
                "reference_table": "roles",
                "column": "role_id"
    "version": "string",
    "compatibility": "string"

DELETE /table_template/{table_template_name}

Deletes table templates with the given name. If needed, it is also possible to delete only a specific version.

import requests
import json

api_token = "Issued_API_TOKEN"
base_url = "https://{your-engine-url}/api/v1/table_template"
table_template_name = "Table template name"
version = "A specific version of the table template"

api_url = f"{base_url}/{table_template_name}?version={version}"

header = {
    "Authorization": f"Bearer {api_token}"

r = requests.delete(api_url, headers=header):
  curl -X 'DELETE' \
  'https://{your-engine-url}/api/v1/table_template/{table_template_name}?version={version}' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer Issued_API_TOKEN'

Last update: 2023-11-10